Sunday, February 25, 2007

Top 10 Most Wanted List - March 2007

A new month is coming up, and due to the changes by SE and actions from the STFU, there has been changes to the list. The top of the list is relatively unchanged from last months although the bots there are up to new tricks. The bottom of the list got different, due in part of the STFU.

1. Qufim/Batallia Fish Bots (last ranking: 1). SE nerfed Batallia Downs. The bots simply relocated to Qufim Island, targeting Mythril Swords to sell to NPC vendors. The STFU gave some of those bots bans later in the month (including most of the Love crew that moved their operations from Windurst), so the bots struck back with tons of new fish bots. Until SE does a version update (which will happen later in March), these bots are very dangerous. They don't care about the Banshee: if they get aggro, they simply die and warp hack back into position. There are still bots located in Batallia, but most are after Black Sole.

2. Sphagnum (last ranking: 2). She wasn't affected by the latest STFU hit at all. This is scary, as she is a digbot that is using the rumored Sauromunge Champaign hack to go after Gold Beastcoins, which is crafted into Gold Ingots. If she gets tired of that, she will turn to her digmules for the Rolanberry-Konschtat route and bot mythril beastcoins, elm logs, and orich. ores.

3. Lgk (last ranking: 4). Another bot unaffected by the STFU, Lgk usually runs to the nation that is in first place in conquest to bundles the tons of shiheis that she crafts. She mostly does the buying/selling on the AH in the 3 starting cities rather than Jeuno, as a result.

4. ToAU bots (last ranking: N/A). These bots will stick to ToAU zones and very seldom go elsewhere, although majority of them have sky access. They include most of the beastmasters, Yhangbo's crew, and Ancients crew. They will not be in the areas 24/7, but they are usually there when NMs are usually due to be up.

5. Cwbprincess and Zqlcwb (last ranking: 3). The goobbue botters in Zi'Tah have been unaffected as well, but their decline in rankings is partly due to the emergence of other bots. They simply farm near the boyahda zone, sell their stuff, and return. With most of their main allies banned for botting, they cannot spread out to cover all the goobbue pops like they could last month.

6. Ground HNM bots (last ranking: N/A). While most of these bots are still considered trainees, they have been getting recent success in claiming a lot of the ground HNMs. They are led by Lntevesing and Loveflys, and their cronies will appear at every pop of Roc, Serket, Cassie, and Simurgh. When not botting, they are either offline or assisting bots in Sea Serpent Grotto or Den of Rancor.

7. Similus (last ranking: 9). Her crew wasn't affected by STFU despite their constant actions botting the NMs up in the sky area. Recently she has received tons of reinforcements in newly leveled RMT trainees. They can be found at Ulli or Faust camps, they are seldom found at the other camps.

8. Jnglyjnkgyum (last ranking: N/A). He usually spends his time botting the NMs in Castle Oztroja, usually assisted by an handful of other lesser-known bots. These are two newer bots, as their predecessors have been struck down by the STFU.

9. Glode and Hesasa (last ranking: N/A). The main Kuftal Tunnel group, usually assisted by Biriri. They have not made a lot of noise in recent months, but with the recent hits by the STFU, they had to step up and start camping the NM lizard again. Sometimes they will go after Phantom Worm and Devil Mantras.

10. Keoaayh's group (last ranking: N/A). Another new up and coming group of bots, they have moved into Boyahda Tree in the past few weeks along with Baiyun's group, and they have gone after Elder Gobbues, which seem to have the best drop rate of Tree Cuttings.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

weekly update - 18 Feb 07

the STFU has struck down the majority of the bots in qufim island, including the infamous Love family. This is all I got this week.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Qufim Island fish bots

weekly update - 11 Feb 07

the love's have moved from windurst to qufim as of today. several former batallia bots have also set up shop in qufim as well. expect the remora's most wanted crew to make a trip to qufim sometime after the CQ update in little more than a hour from now to tape footage of those infamous bots in action.

we like to say props to the peeps on Seraph that shut down their qufim bots in a grand manner.

Monday, February 5, 2007

New distrubing trends to watch and updates

If you're in Windurst, watch out for the "Love" fishbots, all targeting for Moat Carps. Avoid buying them from the AH if you're going for the Lu Shangs quest. These bots usually hang in Windurst Waters near the general store, but some will head to the Auction Houses.

Most of the bots that were in batallia have left but a small gathering still remain, apparently going for black soles. Most of them have taken up other fishing holes (such as San d'Oria and Qufim), now realizing that their main source for income was nuked.

Some of the RMTs are out there leveling jobs and doing rank missions right now. These are easy to spot, as they will either be /anon, have a lack of linkshell, and/or have names that are unusual, are in a pattern, or sound chinese.

Friday, February 2, 2007

SE Strikes

there was an emergency all-worlds maintenance on Friday morning, and then they had an update that temporarily nerfs those infamous fishbots of batallia. Apparently someone was watching youtube and they acted. Thank you.

Batallia Fish Bots - FFXI Remora Server

Remora Bot Hunt Part III

Here is the third part of the video series.